
  • FMCSA Authority status Active ()
  • Carrier operationIntrastate Only (Non-HM)
G.A. Nichols Company was incorporated in 1998. The company is licensed as a Florida Class A Certified General Contractor and a Class Fire Line Contractor.

Greg Nichols hold a degree in civil engineering from The Ohio State University. He is also a Florida Licensed Real Estate Broker and has earned the CCIM Designation from the National Association of realtors.

G. A Nichols Company specializes in repair and renovation of existing facilities. Our client base includes condominiums, apartments, shopping centers, office parks, golf courses, and HOA’s: Basically anyone with improved real estate.

We are typically called upon at the initial discovery of a problem. With our expertise we can usually diagnose the problem and a solution.
Fleet information

Total drivers

Truck brands
Freightliner, Mack
Operation classifications
Private (Property)
Cargo Carried
Machinery, large objects
Operating area
This map highlights states where the company is likely driving, based on truck inspection data from the FMCSA.
Operating area

Company Jobs